

by Jeremy Huss

Criminal Speeding in Arizona

Criminal Speeding in Arizona is a Class 3 misdemeanor. Arizona Revised Statute 28-701.02 defines this offense. A driver commits criminal speeding 3 ways in Arizona. First, if the driver exceeds the...

by Jeremy Huss

Gun Rights and Criminal Convictions

The interplay between gun rights and criminal convictions Arizona Firearm Rights After Any Felony Conviction State Firearm Rights After Misdemeanor DV Conviction A.R.S. §13-3101(A)(7)(d) states a...

by Jeremy Huss

Misdemeanor Domestic Violence

Related Domestic Violence Topics Domestic Violence Gun Rights After a Domestic Violence Conviction AZ Crimes Eligible for Domestic Violence Designation Misdemeanor Domestic Violence When is an Assault...

by Jeremy Huss

Use of Deadly Force in Self-Defense

When is the use of deadly force in self-defense justified? It is common for people to engage in physical fights and altercations. Indeed, it is important for people to know their legal rights and...

by Jeremy Huss

What Can Police Do With My Cell Phone?

A common question people ask is what can police do with my cell phone. This question typically includes topics like: when can police take my cell phone?; when can police search my cell phone?; and...

by Jeremy Huss

What is Misdemeanor Assault in Arizona?

What is misdemeanor Assault in Arizona? A.R.S. 13-1203 defines misdemeanor Assault one of three way. First, by intentionally, knowingly or recklessly causing any injury to another (A.R.S....

by Jeremy Huss

When is an Assault by Domestic Violence?

Related Domestic Violence Topics Domestic Violence Gun Rights After a Domestic Violence Conviction AZ Crimes Eligible for Domestic Violence Designation Misdemeanor Domestic Violence When is an Assault...