Vehicular Crimes

Vehicular Crimes

A.R.S. §13-105(12) defines “dangerous instrument” which is a predicate for vehicular crimes. The “dangerous instrument” allegation requires prison, if convicted. Indeed, a vehicle is a dangerous instrument if used under circumstances that may cause serious physical injury or death to another. Specifically, ripe “circumstances” are a person driving recklessly resulting in injury to another. Certainly, a person driving impaired is driving “recklessly”. Besides DUI, Arizona prosecutes the following vehicular crimes most often:

Manslaughter (Vehicular)–A.R.S. §13-1103(A)(1)

Leaving the Scene of An Accident–A.R.S. §28-662(A)

Leaving the Scene of a Death or Injury Accident–A.R.S. §28-661

Aggravated Assault (Vehicular)–A.R.S. §13-1204(A)(2)

Reckless Driving–A.R.S. §28-693

Endangerment (Vehicular)–A.R.S. §13-1201

Vehicular Crimes Investigation and Prosecution

Vehicular crimes are like DUIs. Specifically, good people make bad decisions and those bad decisions could jeopardize a person’s liberty. Vehicular Manslaughter and Aggravated Assault are two offenses this often rings true. Grandfathers, parents, people with lifetimes of no criminal record make a decision to drive impaired. This can go one of a few ways. The most unfortunate way is the person causes an accident and injures or kills another. This is devastating to a person and their life. On the other hand, a person has died and the family wants retribution. As a result, a prosecutor is in a position to seek harsh justice. One that will incarcerate the defendant and forever impact the person’s life.

Traffic investigators analyze vehicular scenes closely. They will do measurements and photographs of the scene, as well as inspections of the involved vehicle(s). Vehicular crimes units prosecute these offenses and seek harsh punishment in the form of lengthy prison sentences. As such, it is important to retain an attorney experienced in vehicular offenses. These cases may have defenses available a skilled attorney will identify.

Why Choose Huss Law?

Jeremy L. Huss of Huss Law has 20 years of front-line experience handling dangerous vehicular felony crimes in Arizona.  Indeed, Mr. Huss worked closely with traffic officers, accident reconstruction experts, and criminalists while prosecuting these crimes.  Mr. Huss has been lead trial counsel in countless dangerous vehicular felony offenses and has tried many of these cases to jury verdict.  During this experience, Mr. Huss gained unique and valuable insight into how these offenses are investigated and prosecuted.

The consequences of a vehicular crime in Arizona are harsh, generally resulting in a prison sentence.  The State will do all it can to convict a person in these situations.  Often, the prosecutors handling these cases are very experienced and knowledgeable.  As such, any person charged with a vehicular crime in Arizona should prioritize consulting with and retaining an attorney experienced in this area.  The attorneys at Huss Law are as experienced handling these offenses as anyone, and will place their client in the best position possible to favorably resolve their case.